Second Hand Parts

From time to time we wreck equipment, that has served its use-by date.

Often some of the components are still serviceable, but no longer available.

Ville-Tec has a second hand parts store with mostly superseded 1-off used parts.

Not all of these parts are listed on our web page, please contact us with your specific inquiry.

All Secondhand parts are subject to offer, at no fixed cost, so call and ask

You have absolutely nothing more to loose than a phone call.

But you may get lucky

S/H Control Pendant

S/H Multi-Function Control Pendant

S/H Control Pendant

S/H Control Pendant with Emergency Stop

S/H ESA-24REL24 Relays Card, suit SCM Record 220

S/H ESA Relays Card

S/H ESA-32-IN Input Card, suit SCM Record 220

S/H ESA-32-IN Input Card